I love Phantasy Star Online 2 and have great fun with the current Xbox Open Beta, but the density of the system, the huge amount of items and the non-linear approach to progression can be overwhelming for new players. Although Sega has made one of the best games to play for free, PSO2 sheds a litt
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis looked fantastic, but what exactly is it?
Xbox owners have been playing Phantasy Star Online 2 in North America for a while now, so seeing the game on the Xbox Games Showcase wasn't much of a surprise. However, something different from what we played was
Now that Pantasy Star Online 2 has been officially released on Xbox One, with a PC release on the way, more players are coming into the game and quickly overwhelmed by 8 years of content, beating them all at once. After weeks of testing and testing and bugs, I wish there were some parts of the gam
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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.