3 things I would like to know before launching PSO2

Dec-11-2020 PST Category: Phantasy Star Online 2

I love Phantasy Star Online 2 and have great fun with the current Xbox Open Beta, but the density of the system, the huge amount of items and the non-linear approach to progression can be overwhelming for new players. Although Sega has made one of the best games to play for free, PSO2 sheds a little light on guides and holding hands. With that in mind, I wanted to share a few tips that I would love to know in person, right in front of the gate. I hope these suggestions can guide your early play and allow you to enjoy the experience without feeling confused as often as I was with my Newman Ranger in the first 40 levels!

Combine daily missions with recommended missions

Daily missions aren’t just a way to collect some extra Months and EXPs; they are the basic method of constantly increasing the number of rare items, EXP and Mesets, which you can acquire by completing all other types of tasks, so disable them first.

First stop at the Daily Order Officer Fina. There are 3 new missions for you each day, with a blue boost arrow. Achieving this will increase the "Daily Boost" bar (top right) to MAX 50%.

When you collect the newspaper, jump to the main task counter on the right and perform the first "Recommended Search" (in the "Main Tasks" category) that appears, because they are often associated with daily tasks.

Two flies, one stone. (And always pick up customer orders in the same area you want!)

When it comes to missions, always keep an eye on the weekly (start, globe icon, ARKS missions)! Most of them are a breeze that needs to be finished and can create a ton of moonlight for you. So you have to ...

Faster inventory management

You will have to constantly juggle prey and move weapons, consumables and various materials between your character and larger buckets. So it was pure pleasure to discover that you can hold the right trigger of the Xbox controller and then D-drop up / down to select multiple items at once.

You will also save a significant amount of time when you visit stores to unload your loot.

Now make three characters

Phantasy Star Online 2 uses a shared inventory system. This means you can send items to a storage box specific to your character, as well as to a “standard” storage box shared by all your characters.

This includes PSO2 Meseta, the currency in play. Do you want to have some money in stock quickly? Here's how to do it more efficiently:

As I said before, by completing your weekly missions you can easily make money. If these are activities like ‘Collect X Stuff’, you can take the appropriate customer order from the protagonist, save those items (so if you are asked to pick three specific types of fish, pick nine) and send the accessories then to the default storage.

Sign in with each sign, pick up those same customer orders, execute them and deliver immediately. Money in the bank (not to mention easy EXP)!

For tasks like "Upgrade Weapons or Unit" you can buy two cheap weapons at Shopping Plaza, then move directly to the item lab, upgrade them with a grinder and collect the prize. Don't you want all those months? Again, just send it to your default storage and have the main character download it!

Even if you don't play these characters regularly, it's a great way to increase your bank account.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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