Pantasy Star Online 2 - Three things I wanted know when I started PSO 2

Jun-11-2020 PST Category: Phantasy Star Online 2

Now that Pantasy Star Online 2 has been officially released on Xbox One, with a PC release on the way, more players are coming into the game and quickly overwhelmed by 8 years of content, beating them all at once. After weeks of testing and testing and bugs, I wish there were some parts of the game that I needed to know before I started. These tips will definitely help new players and maybe some old players get the most out of Pantasy Star Online 2.

Whether you are a new player or just returning from a long time to a Japanese server, Pantasy Star Online 2 is a problem if you haven't spent much time on it. Here are three tips to help your trip.

The assignments can be grouped and arranged

When I first entered PSO2, my plan was to go into each mission and complete each of these difficulty levels. Although the plan is solid, when you want to travel a lot while you plan, there are ways to not only raise the level but also make your challenges even more challenging.

When you have selected your class and filled in PSO2 after completing the first assignment, you have 75 mm. It will take a few campaigns to start a long spring. When you go to the assignment counter, you see a list of recommended searches. These discoveries change every day. If you select one, a list of client orders that you can take in will be loaded, each with a different search, via any other NPC in the middle. You can choose all of these missions at once, so you can complete them all when you are out and on a mission.

Most players find this early in their game, but mission stacking goes far beyond that. Let's say you want to run a forest exploration or you can show up a mission every day to kill an enemy living in the forest. You can then navigate to each NPC Quest provider and change the assignment filter to the specific area you are going to from "All Questions". This will pull up all available searches for that matter. Many of these searches do not appear in the recommended search list! This is a way to stack several tons of Quest at once, so you get the most out of every campaign you do.

More characters, more Meseta

PSO2 Meseta makes the world 'round'. At least in PSO2, Meseta is the game gift you need if you need to upgrade, buy player items or use some powerful items that are sold in a medical center store. Sometimes it can be too slow to get Meseta for your hobby, especially when some player stores sell something you want for billions of Meseta. There are some easy ways to get more meseta, faster so don't worry too much.

Daily and weekly assignments will make millions of Meseta net for players, unless you make it 50 to the previous level. The great thing about these daily and weekly assignments is that they can be completed in several characters. Free players can also have more than one persona, giving them good opportunities to earn the billions they need for the extremely greedy weapons they are looking for.

Elsewhere, the story is told well

I love playing PSO2. What I don't like is logging into the game and watching the story content for hours. Pantasy Star Online 2 has a very long, in-depth story that takes up a good portion of your time. The main point is that it is divided into so many different parts that it can take a long time to get through all of them, and most parts of the story are not even interactive. Very few of them are boss fighters or scams carried out by an expedition mission.

To my further surprise, the story of the game in PSO2 is very close to PSO2 Anime, or I would say that the story in the anime game follows. You have a lot of campaigns where you have to go through some parts of the story, if you don't like the experience or find it annoying to see all parts of the story, most of it should not be left out and Fire Anime, which sometimes works a little better on the story . After a few hours of telling, I can say that anime works well to keep the plot interesting.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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