Maverick Fundamentals in Fury of the Lich Lord
Mavericks are broadly viewed as one of the top DPS classes in Fury of the Lich Lord Exemplary. Battle mavericks use numerous weapons, predominantly blades or tomahawks, and some of the time maces. This separates them from WOW WoTLK Classic
Because the "CC" people will be threatening to ban posts because they're not performing their duties Here's a simple pros and cons of RDF and what it affects the ACTUAL community feels about it:
RDF Pros vs Cons
It was introduced in WoW's most well-known expansion, WOTLK
As a fan of arenas and a constant gladiator score or better throughout the classic, I have two primary opinions about locking ratings.
I would like gearing to be as comparable as is possible in the arena. This is true for all players with arena gear that is easily accessible and also the ab
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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.