My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
Read ThisAs a fan of arenas and a constant gladiator score or better throughout the classic, I have two primary opinions about locking ratings.
I would like gearing to be as comparable as is possible in the arena. This is true for all players with arena gear that is easily accessible and also the ability to raid gear.
The second feeling is that I do not want arena to be an unintentional game where players log in, play 10 games, then log out and use that to gain arena points for epic games in competition. If the majority of the players playing arena is participating in random 5s group for 10 games that's not making the ladder any more healthy.
In light of both the above being mentioned, and also referring to cutoffs from the classic cutoffs at tbc as well as arena points, compared to the cutoffs of wotlk gear are, i'm thinking cutoffs might be excessive. Even looking at the helmet, which needs a 50 points to buy in anger, i don't think it's a good idea to allow a piece of equipment that is "gatekept" in a situation where 10 percent (or lesser) of the players in an arenas can have access to an item. But, until season 4 of tbc classic eliminating the requirement for rating in general isn't the best option either because the seasons do not last long enough to buy the entire set unless competing in the top percent of the ladder It has created a culture in which players "participate" on arenas. They build up points and then purchase a full set at the conclusion of the season.
Season 4 saw the arena points awarded to players with lower ratings has risen by a large margin with a lower score than 1400 gives individuals greater points than top-rated two-on-2 team in the league. In my opinion, an entirely separate problem where players log in and play 10 games on a Monday and then purchase a new piece of equipment the next day with minimal effort. Before season 4 it would take at at the very minimum, 4 weeks.
I believe we require a middle way to ensure that getting a full set arena equipment isn't just an opportunity to play several dozen 5s games in one month, but it should not require you to play in the the duelist bracket.
All of that being said, I'd like to know the following:
- gloves require no rating
Legs, chests, and helmets all require less than 1600 ratings within any range (i.e. 1450, 1500or or 1550)
Shoulders require 1600 rating either in 5s or 3s
- weapons require 1700 or less
The amount of arena points awarded each week is in line with the current formula
The rating will continue at 0.
When referring to the previous, keep on your toes that players won't lose significant points until around 1550. A majority of teams can be consistent and get a complete set within a couple of weeks, with the ultimate goal of acquiring weapons as a group. If you'd like to cap their budget and buy an affordable set at the end of the season, it's an option, but in order to earn a set over the course of the season, you'll need to be playing at least regularly to bring your team's total to around 1550 (this is achievable by the majority of players as well as 90 percent or more of the players who actively participate in PvP).
I am of the opinion it is the "natural" benefit of gear for arena play shouldn't be related to the skill level (i.e. an rating) in the same way that it is the time invested as well, and this is the issue with locked rating requirements.
There is many discussions of how other games compare to it and the fact that being rated higher in these games does not correspond to an advantage earned in competition play. Personally, I'm not looking to gain any advantage however, i believe it's more beneficial for MMORPGs to have an advantage that is correlated to time invested rather than the notion that is associated with "welfare epics" (which is more in line to the system of season four). The low cutoffs mentioned above puts that advantage against time instead of making it dependent on skills, which is better for the overall game while ensuring that the gear is accessible for everyone who wants to play.
In terms of cosmetics go, you should keep them to a certain. I am a fan of the inclusion tabards since they give people who might not be able to compete for titles or mounts in gladiators some incentive to prove that they participated.
These cutoffs should be at or above 2300 (and an incredibly gladiator-themed tabard would be cool too).
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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
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