Why is Lost Ark so popular anyway?

Feb-17-2022 PST Category: Lost Ark

Lost Ark was launched across Europe and America like lightning from the hand of a magician. Within 24 hours of launch, the game peaked at 1.3 million simultaneous players, making it the best-played MMO game ever on Steam for the number of concurrent players and the second-highest total number of games played for the same stats. It was so popular that many players were struggling to get in the game, literally, thousands were queuing to get to the very congested servers.

The sudden and immediate dominance of both the headlines and the game's life may seem like the unknown. But the truth is that this explosion of interest has been growing for a long time, and it's worth your while to find out exactly why. Below, I will cover the long road to Lost Ark's success, the reasons behind why so many players try to play it.

What's the origin of Lost Ark?

Though only recently released in Europe and the United States, Lost Ark has been actively playable in Korea for several years and has had its premieres staged in venues such as Japan and Russia. It also has a long pre-release history. Development of the game began in 2011 under the code name Project T. The first mention appeared in the form of a news article on the Unreal Engine website that describes Project T as "a smash hit MMORPG action game armed with stunning graphics that can be achieved with Unreal Engine 3." Glimpses of the game world, combat and characters became available as early as 2014 in the form of various developer diaries, but the game didn't fully launch in Korea until December 2018.

What makes Lost Ark attractive to Western players?

The answer will be subjective to each player. In my review, I highlighted the things that distinguished me in the game, the spectacular combat, the creative powers of the characters, the varied and exciting dungeons, and the wild swings that the main adventure of the game takes. While the story of the game is not told in an amazing way, as an adventure, it takes us to new and exciting places that can differ greatly in theme and tone.

But there is also a tenacious side to online gaming that will appeal to more MMO-oriented players, from taking part in raids, completing daily challenges and grouping to defeat powerful zone bosses, to gathering resources in the world and using them. fortress. that is unique to each player. There are many things that keep you coming back, and if you're the type of gamer who likes to focus on one all-around game, Lost Ark might be good at it.

The two sides of the game's personality also complement each other in many ways, satisfying the needs of both fans without feeling that neither side of the game feels overly threatened. If you come as an MMO fan, you'll get everything you normally see in an MMO, but with much more exciting combat. If you're more of an ARPG fan, you'll get all the cool ARPG character-building and powers, but with a huge world to explore. A relationship is not always symbiotic. Constantly respawning mobs in open zones, which give only a small amount of XP, make combat in these areas a bit dated. But you're only minutes away from an instance or dungeon that might much better get rid of that ARPG itch.

When it comes to the scratching of ARPG itch, perhaps the main reason for Lost Ark's success is that it targets an audience that hasn't been particularly well served in recent years. Diablo III is turning 10 this year, and while a few good ARPGs have been released since then, such as Path of Exile and Grim Dawn, the last decade has not been the pinnacle of the genre. That's why Lost Ark is landing just in time to fill this market gap and suck in all the fans who have exhausted Diablo III and want a Path of Exile change.

This article ends here. I'd like to say if you do not know how to select a legitimate website when you are trying to buy Lost Ark Gold, is your best choice.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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