​Why are you play rs3 instead osrs

Dec-30-2018 PST Category: runescape

So guys, i'm from brazil and i'm cerebration about arena rs3 because of my gf. I already play osrs and like it, but my gf doesn't accept english, and rs3 accept pt-br translation. RS3 is air-conditioned too, I'd activated it, but, i wanna apperceive from you guys that still play this while osrs accept added players. Why do you guys adopt RS3 over OSRS? It's not a trolling post, I just absolutely wanna apperceive to see if I could fit in actuality too. Maybe play both, or just play rs3, because I don't accept that abundant time.

RS3 has abundant PvM mostly at college levels, although GWD1 is absolutely agreeable too if you are at a akin to be challenged a little by it. Something you could do together.

Skilling is beneath of a bullwork on RS3 than OSRS, still grindy ofc but a lot has been done in contempo years to accomplish the bullwork beneath abhorrent for a lot of things.

RS3 has abundance of quests and adventure alternation with absolutely acceptable storylines.

I anticipate in accepted it is just a "bigger" game. Added agreeable etc. There is around no PvP though, so if that is your affair you will be disappointed. Otherwise, accord the bold a go, I anticipate it sounds like you will absolutely adore it. There is getting you and the gf can do calm which would be nice.

Is there absolutely that little PvP? To this day I abstain wilderness to abstain getting killed... should I apprehend to never see anyone absorbed in killing me?

There is absolute little PvP. There are still griefers in the wildy who adore jumping humans already affianced in action (lava strykewyrms) or captivation annihilation (agility course, action rift). The aphorism of deride with the Wilderness is never yield annihilation in there that you are not able to lose.

It's accessible to go into the Wildy and not see addition player, but that doesn't beggarly you can't and will not be attacked.

Graphics, draw distance, bigger adventure progression, and candidly just the variety. That is, array in action as able-bodied as equipment, and there’s so abounding added advantageous items and abilities at your disposal. Added to bullwork for and achieve.

Elf city-limits is a huge payoff; if elf city-limits wasn’t released, I would accept abdicate continued ago.

I like accepting so abundant agreeable to bite through, and already you get to the end, the absolute bold gets better. The superior of the amateur action improves as you play and alleviate areas, equipment, abilities, spells, items with appropriate effects, etc.

Not to acknowledgment you can teleport about anywhere bound afterwards you’ve put in some plan in the accordant region.

I absolutely like the dungeoneering accomplishment as well. It’s abnormally abundant if you can get into it because it will alleviate maybe absurd pieces of equipment, like absorbing imp, seedicide, gold accumulator, etc. As able-bodied as absolute acceptable weapons for free. It’s abundant all the way until mid-high akin activity.

And already you can admission the max brotherhood (if you anytime get there) you accept absolute chargeless teleports to a coffer 1 footfall abroad from you additional a retunable aperture to any bang-up in the game, and 2 portals to any skilling locations. On top of that, accepted accomplishment capes now accept some absolutely able allowances that account their skill. Lots of allurement to do things.

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