My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
Read ThisThe BioShock series enjoys a remarkable reputation and effortlessly impresses players with countless unique philosophical stories, unique settings, unique music and thrilling gameplay that gives the player choice and freedom. The new BioShock is now on the horizon, and the tempting prospect of re-entering the series is one of its compelling temptations. The latest version of the series took the form of "BioShock: The Collection," which includes all of the games in the series and their associated DLC. In this article, we're going to theorize about what could happen in the next installment of the series, let's get started.
Environment - an important part of any BioShock game
The settings in the BioShock series are enchanting and - ultimately - brilliant. Terror lurked around every corner, and fear arose from the intricately intertwined atmosphere, characters and enemies in the town of "Rapture" that tower over the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in BioShock 1 and 2. While BioShock Infinite's "Columbia" shares the same essence retained, but trapped with a completely different feeling. Now in the sky, it was a place where the dazzling beauty was riddled with corruption and masks of lies. Each of these settings made us question the possibility of building a city in the sky or in the depths of the sea.
It's likely that in the next BioShock we'll see a new, radiant location where we can venture deep into ourselves and get caught up in the symbolic aspects of the horror that runs deep in the veins of every BioShock game. One thing is for sure, I am sure we will be amazed and admire the new environment with admiration. We were in the depths of the ocean, we passed high above the clouds, where will this series take us? Can't wait to find out!
History - Philosophy, emotions and age-old conversations
The stories in the BioShock series went beyond the brain's thinking ability because of the plots, stories, and moral choices contained within. The philosophy was introduced into the game as "Little Sister" sucking "ADAM" on a forgotten corpse on Rapture's cold steel floors. Much research and scientific work has been done on these stories, and most of them have discussed philosophy. From existentialism to objectivism and more; these philosophies have had a great impact on BioShock's stories. The infamous phrase "Would you be nice" will no doubt be passed on from generation to generation.
The next BioShock will most likely put the same emphasis on philosophy, asking us questions about aspects of our own lives, as games flourished in the past. As someone with a keen interest in philosophy, this is something that has always kept me back to the franchise. The upcoming release is no exception.
Plasmids and enemies - the future
Fearful enemies, adrenaline-inducing plasmids and a powerful weapon. The BioShock series is no stranger to giving the player a sense of power as they weave their way through hordes of splicers, security robots, brutes, the iconic Big Daddies and other evil enemies in the BioShock universe. Plasmids / Vigors is a version of BioShock's abilities, fan favorites include "Electric Missile", "Bee Swarm", "Telekinesis", "Undertow" and many more. Each plasmid has a purpose, is fun and exciting to use. Whether it's launching a swarm of bees at your enemies, devils laugh in the background, or instructing the security robot to do its own for you. There is a plasmid for everyone, and I hope to see new chaotic plasmids in the next BioShock.
We will likely put these new plasmids and our weapons to the test against many brand new enemies and I can't wait to see the horror that awaits us. Hopefully, with luck, we will see the beloved Big Daddies and Little Sisters return. I expect the enemy's AI to be fully upgraded in an upcoming episode. Imagine fighting a Big Daddy who has a new and improved artificial intelligence; now it will be a fight to remember.
The next installment of BioShock will be “in development in the coming years,” said publisher 2K. I'm counting down the days until the official trailer is released and we'll see what wonders await us.
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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
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