There are lots of choices when it comes to skills

Apr-20-2020 PST Category: runescape

There are lots of choices when it comes to skills to max in old school runescape gold Some of these skills are much easier to max out than others. Some will require you to use the majority of your OSRS Gold to reach the top with. Others yet can be obtained much easier than the more difficult skills that require hundreds of hours. To help you save time, here is a list of skills that you can reach 99 without having to grind relentlessly.

Crafting can be a speedy skill to reach 99 if you have enough OSRS Gold to do so. It more or less depends on what path you want to take to reach the highest level possible. There are ways of doing it quicker but those will often cost you more of your hard-earned gold.

For example,Battlestaves-using gems can take you 38 hours for 80M Gold. You can shave a few hours of this with Dragonhide Bodies which takes you 35 hours for 157M Gold. If you want to save as much gold as possible, then your best bet is to focus on Glassblowing. This takes 108 hours but will only cost you 25M Gold.

Who would have thought that cooking would be one of the fastest levels to reach 99? Not only does cooking take a short time to reach max level but it also has a relatively low cost. For example, Jugs of Wine can take you from level 38 to 99 in 22 hours with a cost of 20M Gold.

There is a bit of a stop-gap in this method, though. Reaching level 68 will see you stop making bad wines. When this happens, you can save money by cooking either Tuna or Lobsters. This way takes about 27 hours but will only cost you 10M Gold.

Prayer is one of the quickest skills that you can max out. This is because there are various methods you can use to gain massive XP boosts. For example, you can offer bones to altars to get huge XP rates. This task can be done at a Lit Gilded Altar or at the Chaos Altar. Clicking bones during offerings yields twice the XP that AFK does so you should focus on the former whenever possible.

To reach Prayer in the fastest time you will need to use Dagannoth bones until you reach level 70. Once you hit this level, you will be able to unlock Superior Dragon bones to take you to 99. This should take around 10 hours and cost about 210M Gold. There are other viable methods using Dragon Heads and Troll Heads. However, this technique takes thrice as long, so it’s best to stick to the bones method.

This is the fastest skill available to you to reach level 99. It is also cost-effective if you go about doing so in the correct manner. The method is so fast that a Youtuber managed to reach level 99 in just over 3 hours earlier this year!

Reaching level 99 in Fletching can be done for around 120M Gold. The art of Fletching darts is a proven way for you to level up your character swiftly. By going from bronze arrows through to Dragon darts, you can hit level 99 at this particular cost. Alternatively, you can save more OSRS Gold by Fletching Mithril darts. This method will cost around 51M Gold and takes around 7 hours to complete.


While Fletching is one of the quickest skills for you to reach the top level, Firemaking could very well be one of the easiest ways to hit 99. This is down to the fact that Firemaking has some very easy requirements to level up and make a profit.

To gain the most XP possible, try to avoid Fletching. The combination of burning through maple logs and doing the Wintertodt mini-game will take around 60 hours. You could also choose to avoid the Wintertodt altogether and simply light logs. This option can take you to 99 in just 35 hours for the cost of 23M Gold. Just let your style of play cater to how you choose to max out the level. Even if you choose log lighting, you should check out the Wintertodt at some point for extra XP gains.

These are the fastest skills that you can reach level 99 with OSRS Gold The majority of them shouldn’t impact too hard on your Old School RuneScape Gold either. There are other skills out there that shouldn’t be too much of a burden for you to max out. However, prioritizing the ones listed above will see you topping levels faster than any others.

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