The first new OSRS mode in years has been a hardcore cooperative odyssey

Oct-13-2021 PST Category: runescape

Introduced in 2014, the Ironman mode allows Old School Runescape players to test their luck in a completely self-sufficient challenge. Now the comeback MMO game allows you to share this load with the entire party, so you and your friends can conquer the world together without the help of outsiders.

The Ironman Group, announced today, is Old School Runescape's first major game mode in half a decade. A variation of the existing Ironman / Ironwoman modes, Group retains many of the same restrictions (no trade, no other player kill drops, no XP using other players, no more trade) aimed at being a completely self-sufficient character, but extends these restrictions to a group of players and not just one.

As part of the group, you can freely share equipment and items using shared storage. But outside of these community walls, normal Ironman rules apply, and you can't get help from other players. It sounds like a more social, less scary way to try one of the game's tougher challenges, and it's something that Old School Runescape players have been asking for.

In a press release, Jagex states that Group Ironman was one of the most voted new members in OSRS history. Being a deliberately nostalgic customer, updates to OSRS are voted by the community and only added when they exceed the 75% approval threshold. Jagex estimates that around 140,000 players voted for the Ironman Group, with 80% approval, making entry easier.

The Ironman group can be included in the middle of the tutorial island, you will meet with you and your planned adventure in Iron Tutor on The Node.

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