The best mods for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Apr-09-2021 PST Category: News

Few games have been as adapted as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Since its release, modifiers have torn it apart, adding new adventures, new gameplay twists, and solutions to many of the problems that remain in this epic open-world RPG.

You may be reinstalling for the four states and need to try something new, or you may be using the program for the first time. Either way, here's our pick of the main and best Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion mods you can download today.

Oblivion Mod Manager

Let's start with the basics. If you are going to change Oblivion with confidence, Oblivion Mod Manager is a must. This handy tool allows you to tinker with the loading order, identify compatibility issues, and generally make sure that the game works fine with any custom mods you have installed.


Oblivion's capabilities are vast, but there are still limits to what you can do with your mods. Oblivion Script Extender removes some of these limitations by expanding the game's scripting capabilities and simply letting you choose from a wider variety of mods.

Unofficial Oblivion Patches

With a game as big and complex as Oblivion, whatever Bethesda does, problems will remain. Fortunately, fans have been working to fix vulnerabilities and issues for the past 15 years, and three unofficial patches are the best way to get these fixes:

   Unofficial Oblivion Patch

   Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch

   Unofficial DLC patch

UI from DarNified

It's no secret that one of the issues that Oblivion was most critical of was the user interface. Designed specifically for the console version of the game, it is not optimized at all for gamers sitting a bit closer to the screens. This quality of life adjustment helps fix the game interface, making everything a little bit easier to use on a computer. Luck.

A deadly reflex

While fighting in Oblivion certainly does the job, it can feel a bit weightless, especially to modern audiences. Deadly Reflex makes battles more responsive, action-packed and adds tons of moves to your repertoire. From horseback battles to special attacks, this turns Oblivion's battles into a much more exciting - and bloody one.

Midas magical spells from Aurum

The Elder Scrolls series has struggled a lot with magic, making it either too influential or not useful enough. Midas Magic adds nearly 300 spells to the game, some to enhance combat magic, and others add things like an on-call magic carbide or the ability to turn bodies into gold. A must have mod for any Gandalf beginner.

Alternative start Arrival by boat

The beginning of the game can sometimes take a long time, and when it is over, you are a little chained to the main task. With an alternate start, you can choose when to make an arrest and start the main quest, allowing you to start living in a world untouched by a Daedric attack.

Harvest Flora

Finally, this mod may seem small, but trust us - this change in quality of life will change the way you experience Oblivion for the better. It does one thing: if you harvest some flora, the plant changes its model to show that it has been picked. No more spamming your usage key as you pass plants you've already picked. A real lifesaver.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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