​Suggestion For Increasing/Declutter Bankspace

Dec-30-2018 PST Category: runescape

Runescape has bags of corrective items that yield up adored bankspace due to getting aggregate by players. Abounding of these items are abundantly abortive and serve no purpose added than authoritative a appearance statement. My advancement to abode this affair is to catechumen all statless items that dont accept emotes/or accomplish features.

From quests, anniversary events, and abundance hunter. for archetype the angle hats from that one penguin quests, the web blind and dico outfits, and fire/ice/dark ablaze armors which alleviate their admired overrides if the abounding sets are endemic yet the absolute account versions still exits n serve no absolute purpose because?

Obviously if this is done emblem key would be refunded. Acceptable 90% of players abundance these with django true, but with over 200m accounts currently millions of players would be befitting a SINGLE account which has actually no use above searching nice.

Now do this with every account corrective account of such attributes and you will the the consequence of this and Jmods them selves accept acclimated this absolute alibi abounding times to not accord humans added bankspace because moms spaghetti.

Additionally I advance jagex abolish stats from abundance hunter items such as the attenuate account badge weapons and skirmisher armor. realistically no one is traveling to be application some meme t70 weapon from abundance hunter to annihilate administration or do apache tasks and there are abounding bargain addition from the bulk bold that a amateur with these stats is added than acceptable to accept already, not to acknowledgment it is bad for the game's bloom to applesauce out chargeless t70 accessory from mtx (best runescape gold sellers).

In cessation I apprehend that a change like this would crave a abundant bulk of plan from jagex, but accustomed how generally humans accuse about coffer space, and accompanying issues this would be a acceptable change and affective advanced stop authoritative abortive items that players will be able to accumulate because they attending air-conditioned but accept no use.

TLDR: accomplish abortive corrective items from abundance hunter, holiday, event, and quests into automated overrides and abolish stats from abundance hunter, holiday, event, and adventure armors/weapons to declutter bold accumulation and abolish them from millions of banks.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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