Strong Get Stronger

Jul-23-2016 PST Category: runescape

The game punishes casual and new players too much. I can't do anything outside of a city without being pked by players 30+lvls higher than me and losing all of my progress. This game mode's done in less than a year if this continues and no one is going to start new accounts.

For example, my day. I am 3/3 dying on my way to cam my today taking 3 different routes to pkers 30-50 lvls higher than me. I died yesterday and have never been able to recover because I get barraged and can't do anything about it. I am done with investing 2-3 hours just to die.

Take what you want from this post but your theory from pre-deadman mode discussions did not take into consideration that yes, a level 126 will skull and kill a lvl 3.

I think many of you miss the point entirely. The problem is simple. Those who started out day 1 grinned out the levels ran and did the quests and are now camping these areas. this is stopping progress for many players. Want to wear a dragon dagger or dragon long? Good luck getting through Entrana. we now have pkers camping there with magic short bows and such killing players. Want to do priest in peril to open up morytania or to work towards avast device? Yeah GF there as people are camping that area out.Never think you will get Runescape gold when doing the murders!

And this is but a few of the many quests that need to be completed to even be remotely effective in DMM. Add to this suiciders in the game at places like Var-rock making trading more difficult and in lumbridge stacking death on players resetting them beck even further and further. You want DMM to last? Fix these two things. Make guarded areas true safe zones with no attacking. And insert a npc in game that checks your progress on OSRS for quests and diaries completed and flags them completed on Deadman Mode.

This would help with building up in safe areas and being able to get equipment to survive in DMM. If you completely halt players progress and they can not get built up they will quit pure and simple. And suiciders and quest campers are killing DMM right now. No matter of training is going to help you if you can not get equipment to fight and defend yourself.

You can get 99 range but what good is that without an ava device? You can get 99 magic what good is that without god spells or ancient magics? You can get 99 Attack and Strength what good are those if you can't wear most of the basic dragon weapons? And how can you rebuild when you are suicide on after dying in lumbridge multiple times?

Its the age old question. "Do you believe me or your lying eyes?" When i see people dying unable to do it and friends unable to do it its hard to believe you in that case. And seeing how the places to actually train are becoming smaller and smaller the game is only increasing in difficulty. That is not good if the game is going to last.

For any game to survive it needs players. And new players. Without both of these elements the game will die. Yes it is DMM so you expect to die. That is the norm. What is not however is not being able to progress. And that is becoming harder and harder to do. And that can not sustain players new or old. I like DMM i want it to succeed. But how long will it last without some changes?The later you are to this party the less there is for you in this game. And that is not good.

That’s all i want to share with you guys today,i am looking forward to hear different ideas from you guys,see you!

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