RSGoldFast OSRS - Any advice is welcome

May-18-2023 PST Category: runescape

The player returns after a ten-year absence. It's like a brand new game and I love it! But I'm also quite lost. These are the goals I am considering doing, any advice would be appreciated.

Basic information: Combat lvl 121, not 99, broken (to be honest, not scratched). About 5-10 hours per week for active play, about 10-20 for afk. In the next few days:

- Unlock Prif. I think I'm 3/4 done with Plague City. (Side goal: discover how to view task lists on mobile devices)

- Unlock the giant oyster. Just because people say it's easy and can have some good loot.  

- Unlock invention. I just need a few levels of smithing and crafting. It's certainly possible to get them in double XP time. I don't know if I can get 20 divination levels during this time.

Some time  before midsummer:

- Fight  low level bosses. This includes researching the device first  and earning gp to buy it.  - Try archeology because it looks interesting.

- Up to level 80 in all set skills (not counting the ones I  mentioned, the lowest is summoning at level 60)

- Complete all easy and medium zone quests (should I do  hard at this point?)

- See if Dungeoneering is still fun. Probably do a lot.

(ETA) Do... Something? With player-owned farms. I did the tutorial and it was very interesting but I don't understand enough to set any specific goals for it.

Ambiguous goals for later:

- Complete challenging and possibly elite missions for each region.

- Mid-range boss fights (earn more money/buy items first)

Continuous big goal for intermittent work:

- Choose a super difficult mission and progress to it. Very unsure which one to choose. I work hard on the wiki and listen to a lot of YouTubers but I know there's still a lot to learn so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

OSRS Gold, RuneScape Gold, Fire cape, Account and more at, through get more off, good time.

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