Riot details upcoming changes to Tahm Kench

May-28-2021 PST Category: News

In developer post "Ask Riot," Riot revealed that Tahm Kench's long-awaited mini-makeover will be available soon, and also explains why League of Legends account transfers closed for the second half of last year.

Riot said the extensive changes to Tahm Kench, which have been mentioned for months and which appeared recently in the trailer for the new Master Arcan skin, will finally arrive on PBE and live servers by the end of the month. . These changes include replacing Tahm Kench's current W and R abilities, optimizing the power of each for new items in his kit.

"Tahm Kench's current strength is best used by highly coordinated teams, which means he is becoming significantly weaker in the rest of the player base," said League product leader RiotPetrie. "To address this power mismatch, we plan to move Devour to his ultimate (and buff) and turn his W into a less co-ordinated tool (think Abyss Travel but shorter range and only for Tahm Kench ... added CC)) . "

The post also explains why account transfers have been disabled for a while, preventing players from switching servers to other locations around the world until recently. Riot Rapwnzel said Riot's account transfer system was incredibly unstable and could skip important account information once the transfer was complete. This has resulted in players having to submit numerous submissions to Player Support to facilitate the process, rather than transferring their accounts with the push of a button.

Account transfers have been re-activated in the last few patches since then, and Riot believes the new system it has implemented will prevent problems in the future.

"During these efforts, we discovered that some of these improvements could only be made by collaborating with other teams at Riot, which took a little longer," said Rapwnzel. "We didn't want to disrupt their planning and projects with unexpected work."

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