NBA 2K's Director of 2k19 mt Digital Marketing

May-10-2019 PST Category: nba 2k19

NBA 2K's Director of 2k19 mt Digital Marketing Ronnie Singh aka Ronnie 2K and Mike "Beluba" Wang among the most visible individuals associated with any video game brand in the world. Because of their accessibility on social media, both are often the target of feedback (some angry and some more civilized) from members of the 2K community.

That feedback often includes suggestions about the current and/or upcoming game. I came across a group of suggestions under the #NBA2K20 hashtag with Singh's name inexplicably attached, and others tagging Wang, 2K Support or just the hashtag itself. It's got to be tough to wade through these things to find the ones with some validity.

Some 2K requests are well thought out and come from fans who obviously play the game and have some understanding of contractual limitations, and an idea of what goes into developing a title of this magnitude.

Others do not. Here are some of the strangest 2K fan requests that I've seen, just in the past month or so.

"2K Should Add Stephen A and Max"wants 2K to include Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman into NBA 2K20, and if the ESPN First Take duo aren't available, then 2K should go after Fox Sports 1's Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharper. Perhaps that might work if Smith and Kellerman weren't already playing a similar role for EA's NBA Live franchise.

Even if Smith and Kellerman's contracts with EA were up, I doubt strongly 2K would want to bring in those personalities a year removed from association with Live. Also, 2K has never used real-life footage in its game. It has always brought in talent for motion capturing to maintain the visual continuity with the players and game environment.

If Smith, Kellerman, Bayless or Sharpe haven't been mo-capped yet, and there has been no indication that they have been, it's safe to say that isn't going to happen.

"Players Should Have Untucked Jerseys When They're Hot"

At first, I wasn't sure if this fan was talking about "hot" as in playing well and making Buy NBA 2K19 MT Coins a lot of shots, or "hot" as in temperature and in need of ventilation. I settled on the former interpretation. This is pretty strange because it is so specific and screams of hoops minutiae. I think we all see jerseys come untucked during the course of a game, but is this really something significant enough that it would add to my 2K experience?

I'd say no. If something like this was added, I think it's more likely to cause some sort of glitch that has player clothes malfunctioning on the court. There are already some short mishaps that happen from time to time. I think I'm good on untucked jerseys–hot or not.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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