Madden 22: Top 5 Ways to Earn Coins and Cards in Ultimate Team

Sep-22-2021 PST Category: Madden 22

Madden 22 has launched, and despite a good deal of well-deserved criticism and complaints, millions of NFL fans are jumping into the hugely popular Ultimate Team mode. In this mode, you collect trading cards from real players from the past and present of the NFL to create your dream squad of football superstars.

The mode is a bit predatory and can be overwhelming, so it's important to know a few tips and tricks when it comes to collecting Madden 22 coins and getting the cards you want. It can really make a difference and increase the overall fun in a mode like Ultimate Team, which is essentially meant to be fun and entertaining.

Microtransactions are an easy option

Microtransactions are quite controversial and have objectively brought more harm than good to the gaming industry. That said, it's up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to spend the extra money on a game they just purchased.

If you happen to be someone with disposable income, Madden 22 Ultimate Team can give you lots of coins and great cards, but understand that this is a form of gambling and can become an addiction if you are not careful. This is the biggest problem with micropayments, as many of these sports simulation games are played by children who are too young to be exposed to gambling and addictive game design.

Play online games

Some people like the thrill of playing with other real people online, and if you're that kind of competitor, it's best to just play online matches. The only downside to this is that the rewards are performance and win based, so if you're unsure of your abilities make the best use of your time elsewhere.

Online matches are also often filled with players who take advantage of the shortcomings of the game to score easy tries. Beware of this problem and understand that not everyone is interested in fair play. Most gamers choose to browse YouTube videos showing how and why certain games can never be defended and almost always result in a touchdown or huge profit in yards. In fact, if you want to compete and get better rewards, you may have to do the same to be competitive.

Grind Challenges

Madden Ultimate Team has always added tons of single-player challenges that players must overcome to earn rewards. These rewards can be anything from coins to player packs or even fantasy packs that let you choose specific cards from their collection.

The challenges are very diverse, but it can be tedious to sand them. Listening to podcasts or music while doing this will definitely help pass the time and make it a more satisfying experience overall. For better or for worse, these Ultimate Team modes are designed to keep players investing time or money, and Madden 22 is no different.

Sell ??to anyone you don't want

Too often, friends, family or random opponents will line up in Madden Ultimate Team with tall guys they don't care about. This is not what mode is about, it's about building your dream squad.

Selling players you don't want or like as soon as you pull them will maximize your profits and save you coins to buy the players you want. You will likely feel much better with your team in the long run as it starts to fill up with the players you love to use in Madden. Make sure you sell your cards at the right price and don't forget the extra zero.

Avoid packages, buy players

This may be the most difficult top to adopt and apply as the pull to buy and open packages is strong. Human nature is excited about the prospect of the unknown when it comes to gambling, but there's nothing better than a safe bet. This leads to less regret and disappointment. Saving coins and spending them on the players you want will not only ensure your team gets better, but also get someone you want to play with.

It may not be that exciting, but your future self will thank you. This really gets back to the issues surrounding this mode's built-in microtransactions and how they were designed to get you hooked. Fight the system and win the game in your own game.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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