Madden 22 Early Access extended to Xbox After Timer Glitch

Aug-17-2021 PST Category: Madden 22

The current early live access to Madden 22 on Xbox has been extended in response to some technical issues that prevented players from fully enjoying the trial. The latest installment in the hugely popular EA Sports series will launch on August 20, just days after Early Access ends.

After Madden 21's less-than-perfect launch last year, EA seems to care a bit more about its 2021 product. The developer has gathered a lot of player feedback on Madden 22 in an effort to better respond to player complaints. Unfortunately, due to technical issues, it seems to start again in a difficult start, although this doesn't seem to be an issue on all platforms the game is available for.

Early Access to Madden 22 has already begun, promising players 10 full hours of playtime before the trial expires. However, for EA Play members on Xbox consoles and Game Pass Ultimate subscribers, a technical glitch prevented this from happening, wiping out the remaining trial time when the player exits the game. EA and Xbox are working to remedy the situation by giving those affected unlimited Early Access playtime until 23:59. on Tuesday, August 17. MaddenNFLDirect has posted a summary of the announcement on Twitter, and full details can be found at EA Answers HQ.

While this issue doesn't exist in all forms of Early Access Trials, it doesn't bode well for Madden 22, especially after a launch filled with its predecessor's bugs. The release of Madden 21 was so turbulent that most gamers demanded that EA become ownership. It seems EA has taken steps to prevent this disaster from happening again, but it's still fresh enough in players' minds that it could affect how understanding they are this time around.

Despite the enormous popularity and revenue generated by EA Sports titles, a significant proportion of the player base struggles to develop games. One of the biggest complaints is that little effort goes into improving these annual releases in order to earn as much money as possible while doing the bare minimum. Following the disastrous release of Madden 21, this mindset is arguably more prevalent than ever in the Madden community. Hopefully EA learned from its mistakes in Madden 22, and this Xbox bug is more of a hardware reflection than the game itself.

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