​Lost Ark: Best tips for speedleveling to T3

Jun-16-2022 PST Category: Lost Ark

Rerolling to a different region What are the best ways to speedlevel to T3?

The TLDR: What's the most efficient method of getting a brand new Character (Striker) into T3? Main Story and Islands for T2/T2/T3 honing tools? Have you any suggestions?

Hey, guys!

So I switched to EUC to EUW one week after release due to the long queues on EUC at the time (15k and up).

It's a fun playerwith 1385 iLvl, and have recently played with a manual party finder in Abyss Dungeons T2 and T3 and Argos.

I was amazed by the fact that there were virtually no people in the peak times and I decided to search a little and found an article about EUW in addition to EUC and found that in EUC there are 10x more items in the auction house and also eight times more raid groups.

I also asked a person on Discord to review some of the jewellery for my Striker EUC in order to compare the inventory and price.

They offered 3 times the quantity and were as much as 50% lower and certain accessories were not mentioned on EUW.

It really freaked me out I really like the game and hope to continue to play it also, but I am of the opinion that it's going to get more difficult and we may never see regional transfers or mergers.

Therefore, I'm looking to build up my backup character for EUC If possible, quick so I can be able to enjoy the present Express Event rewards + Ark Pass items.

So I've got around one month to go, but with only a little time for play, as I'm making daily posts on my current main and alternate on EUW.

What are some methods for powerleveling? And what should I leave out?

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