My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
Read ThisSo every server I accept played on kina is the everyman played. Back attractive at acceleration annal beyond carios and raids there was alone 1 kina beyond the top 10 for all that pve content. The accomplished ranked kina in pvp in our server is 16th all-embracing currently.
She additionally seems the hardest to comedy calmly and body for. She wants accessory with lots of defence and hp so she can break animate to accumulate application buff's. This agency stats like atk, crit amount and crit accident are wasted.
While a cleaf or Orbia can use any carbon really. You can go accident cleaf or a tankier orbia. Accessory with atk, hp, acc, crit amount could be acclimated by both orbia and cleaf but for kina that would be a bad account as the atk and crit amount are mostly useless.
To comedy her efficency you charge to be swapping weapons all the time to the best addict and accoutrement for that allotment of the fight.
Also her buff's are not that strong, for archetype she can accord +1 atk up, but Shannon and basset can do bigger than that. She can alleviate and absolve but a attractive or shushu can do it better. She can accord acceleration up but Bernard can do that better.
Normally in MMO bold I go for support, but kina aloof feels like a bad summoner. I feel like if her buff's gave +2 instead of +1 it would atleast accomplish her on par with abutment monsters that accept buff's.
It's actual adamantine to say at this time. Abutment mains absolutely suffers from units not actuality absolutely maximized at this time. Who knows what will appear already six stars runes and accepted affection of gears/power go up.
I assumption brilliant will help. It is aloof alike on Korea back they accept 6 brilliant and years added of development on monsters kina is additionally the atomic played.
I'm on adage kina is bad on the new servers I'm adage on every server I accept played on alike the old ones kina is the atomic played and commonly has slower acceleration than added summoners for pve.
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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
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