​How To Increase Your Levels faster in Lost Ark - Beginners Guide

May-12-2022 PST Category: Lost Ark

As with every MMOARPG, Lost Ark is as complex as it gets. Following its first launch in Korea and Russia and its huge popularity in Asian land, Lost Ark was finally released in Europe and North America, and if there was ever a moment to get into a brand new game, it's now.

But, acquiring a new game that is as complex as this can be daunting, to be honest. However, don't worry - our geeks are here to assist. We've done our homework and created a fairly comprehensive guide to help get the hang of the game and speed up your skills.

If this is something that interests you, stay for a while We'll be there to help you learn some things or two.

Introduction to Lost Arc's Cap Update Cap Update

Before we begin to discuss how to improve our game, it's crucial to provide you with some general suggestions that can help you build an understanding of the game and also assist you during the actual leveling process.

The first thing to note is that the maximum level for a player in the Lost Ark is now 60 which means that the old guides aren't worth anything anymore. The level was previously set at 50. But with the EU/NA launch of the game, the cap was raised to 60.

But, it does not mean that you have to work harder. While the max level was increased in the version for NA/EU, the game starts with an unlocked level 10 character which is pretty like the way it was prior to that, but you'll have some abilities which make it more straightforward to go through the quests.

General Tips For Lost Arc Newbies

Let's look at some helpful tips.

1. Step Up Your items

The first piece of advice we'd like to offer is to concentrate on upgrading your Lost Ark Items as you go throughout the journey. The upgraded items will be marked with an indicator in blue making it easy to identify the upgradeable items.

Don't forget to get those redeemable Adventure items, indicated by a yellow arrow. You'll need to upgrade your equipment because it's not over until you've reached 60. since you're still working to improve and upgrade your equipment. If you're not convinced how crucial the gear level is, visit this page to learn more.

2. The Blaze Through The Map

It's not easy to get up and running However in comparison to other similar titles, this is a decent game. The timeframe to reach the maximum levels is anywhere from 12 to 20 hours and one of the things that can aid in reducing time is to use Tripods.

Tripods are an efficient travel technique within the Lost Arc, allowing you to swiftly move from one place to another quickly, allowing you to complete the adventure as quickly as you can. Therefore, ensure that you make the most of your ability.

3. Make Yourself A Pet

An excellent way to earn loot and increase your XP is to get pets within the game. It will be given to you when you finish your first mission in the hub town. It will also give you a slight boost aside from helping you get up more quickly So don't be a fool and get the pet.

4. Understanding the Quest Types

You'll be required to take on quests in order to get more level And knowing what quests to do can help you make better choices and move up quicker.

The first is the principal quests. They are the primary quests in the storyline, which are colored Orange and Blue when you reach the 35th level. They are the most important ones to complete if you're just beginning to learn. These quests that are purple are designed to help beginners and they're usually tutorials, offering lower-level rewards and stat points. The questlines feature gold hues which will take you on chained journeys and, on occasion, can result in unique and exclusive rewards.

Yellow-colored secondary quests aren't required and the majority of people don't spend time on them since they don't offer any significant rewards. Red quests appear randomly and are restricted in time. Therefore, they're beneficial, giving you an impressive amount of XP after completion.

Then, we've got Purple or Raport/Affinity quests that are given to an NPC however they're not the most lucrative. Let's go more in-depth and discover how to improve your character's abilities within Lost Ark.

Step Up Guide Part 1 (LVL 10 to LVL 35) LVL 10. up to LVL 35

As we've mentioned in the latest release you begin at the level of 10. already having some abilities, and as far as we're aware - the gameplay is basically identical for the EU/NA versions of the game as it was with both the Korean and Russian ones, with only a slight change to the level of the entry point.

All you need to do is concentrate on the main goal. It should be enough to bring you to 60 levels (not 50 as it is in the Korean version). Korean version) It will allow you to achieve the maximum level at the fastest rate. If you use the suggestions we've given you previously then you'll be able to achieve it in 12 to 15 hours.

If you'd like to do some side quests as well but it's likely to lead to a longer leveling duration, but it won't be wasted, since you'll gain buffs from it. Be sure to take on all the obligatory Dungeons singles as well as red zone quests as these can give you the chance to increase your level faster. In addition to the quests, don't forget the mounts. If you're trying to finish this task quickly, you'll require the extra agility and speed that are that you have at your disposal.

The Level-Up Guide Part One Part I – LVL 35 to LVL 60

After you have reached level 35. The game will take on an entirely new look. To say it has changed significantly is an understatement. Instead of doing the quests with orange colors, the players will now be able to travel the globe and complete blue-colored quests. As you could think, Blue quests are considerably tougher, but they also provide more rewards, so it's worth this.

When you begin to climb upwards from 35. The game will require you to go starting from Tortoyk and then over Anikka and on to Arthetine - game zones where you'll have to fight to finish all the Blue quests and upgrade your character. If you'd like to, you can choose an alternative route to the one we've just discussed however, it's best to keep to the main storyline when you're only beginning the game. If you follow this route, within two to three days- dependent on the amount of time you spend playing until you reach the level of 60.


It's somewhat of a struggle to get to the highest level, but when compared with other similar titles that allow you to reach your character's maximum level in just 15 hours feels like an easy task for children. We hope you've learned a lesson to learn from us and you'll be on your way to getting to 60 levels within a matter of minutes. And MMOexp is a big brands with providing fast and cheap Lost Ark Gold service. Please feel free to enjoy the quick delivery service and smooth purchase-experience at MMOexp.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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