How to Get Heavenly Harmony in Lost Ark

Mar-01-2022 PST Category: Lost Ark

Harmony Island is an event on the Lost Ark Adventure Island featuring quests that reward players with plenty of silver and the Heavenly Harmony sheet music. Harmony Island, not to be confused with Shards of Harmony or other similarly named events, is a time-limited site that occasionally appears on the east coast of Rohandel, in the Sea of Tears of Elzovina. Lost Ark players can see when the island is available by checking their Procyon Compass, a tool that lists the various dungeons and scheduled events that players can participate in.

To access Procyon's compass, players must select the compass icon under the minimap in the upper-left corner of the interface. A menu will appear with several activity tabs to choose from. Here, players can find information about the Harmony Island schedule by clicking "Appearance Information" for "Adventure Island". As mentioned above, the Island of Harmony is locked behind the clock, so it won't always be accessible like other islands in Arkesia, such as Liberty Island or the Black Tusk Den. However, players can track when the island event starts by setting an alarm in the Lost Ark game.

Upon arrival at the Isle of Harmony, fans of the Lost Ark can earn the Song of Heavenly Harmony by completing co-op missions. But before players can take part in these green group missions, they must complete the required “Heavenly Harmony” Island of Harmony Quest. After hearing the explanation of the NPC Gardener, players can take part in three scheduled co-op missions.

Lost Ark Song Guide to Heavenly Harmony

One of the green tasks is "Clear Sound", in which players of the Lost Ark are tasked with transporting the Holy Spring Water × 80 to the flower in the garden. While this may sound like a tedious endeavor, many other players will likely be doing the same task at the same time, making the task much easier. The next quest is "A Fragrant Sound" which requires players to collect Fragrant Pollen × 300. The third co-op mission for the Lost Ark on Harmony Island is “Harmony? Help! " in which adventurers play the Serenade of Love 80 times.

After completing these group quests, players will receive an Aromatic Sound Chest, a Clear Sound Chest, a Harmonious Sound Chest, or a Sparkling Sound Chest. Each of these chests guarantees a silver reward, but the loot may or may not contain Heavenly Harmony notes. Suppose players do not receive the Heavenly Harmony during the first chain of group quests on Harmony Island. If this is the case, they will have to try again or return to the island later when the Lost Ark event location is scheduled.

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