Giants QB Daniel Jones becomes a WR in MUT 22 Blitz promo

Nov-26-2021 PST Category: Madden 22

Madden 22 is gearing up to launch the MUT 22 Blitz promotion, and this Black Friday theme changes things for Daniel Jones. We have all the details of the new wide receiver card revealed to the Madden 22 Ultimate Team playmaker as part of the MUT Blitz promotion.

Madden 22: Daniel Jones becomes a wide receiver after Week 7 catch

Madden 22 is almost ready to roll out its Blitz promotion in MUT 22, and each new event of its kind brings new cards to Ultimate Team that represent the best of the NFL's past and present.

One of the first big disclosures came as a surprise as New York Giants starting playmaker Daniel Jones will become a general public in Madden 22 Ultimate Team. The map is based on a spectacular trick performed by the New York Giants while playing Week 7 with the Carolina Panthers, as evidenced by the graphics of the moment itself.

In the game, Daniel Jones ran on the receiving end as Giants stepped out wide with Dante Pettis and sent him a spectacular 16-yard pass, which Jones caught with a one-handed catcher.

In response to the game, EA decided to raise Daniel Jones's in-game ratings with a 20-point bonus for his Spectacular Catch and a 10-point bonus for his Catch in Traffic in Week 7 of the squad update. While those didn't suddenly make him a star, they show EA's appreciation for the game, and now that has been translated into this exciting new map.

WR Daniel Jones is a must-have card from the MUT 22 Blitz promotion

While seeing the wide receiver card from Daniel Jones in the MUT 22 was already exciting, the disclosure of his Blitz promo add-on also showed the potential of this card.

While the 91 OVR isn't the best in MUT 22, it's tall enough that Jones is a very good option for most teams at this stage in Ultimate Team. Jones has solid grades including 93 for speed, 95 for jumping and 94 for spectacular catching, all fueled by his performance in this one episode.

Perhaps the most exciting for die-hard Ultimate Team players are the three skills Daniel Jones acquires, some of which aren't often seen in the public eye.

The ID, traditionally a QB skill, allows players to spot user-controlled defenders before the snap, and this version of Daniel Jones gets it for zero AP. He also has a Threat Detector for 2 AP, often found in playmakers or offensive liners, as his ability could mean upcoming blitzers on 3rd and 4th downs.

Finally, for 1 AP, Daniel Jones also gets Slot-O-Matic, making him a better receiver when he catches passes less than 10 yards from the faceoff line. Whether you're working in a Giants theme team or are simply looking for a unique option on a wide receiver, this new version from Daniel Jones is one you won't want to miss.

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