FIFA 22: Can points be transferred from FIFA 21?

Aug-21-2021 PST Category: FIFA

FIFA 22 is just around the corner and the excitement is starting to rise in the gaming community.

Although many were torn by opinions about the previous installment of the virtual football series, it has become widely known and one of the most popular.

That said, he is still adored across the country, with many spending their hard-earned money on buying in-game currency, FIFA Points.

Thanks to the long-awaited development of FIFA 22, the latest version is a blank slate for many, and some hope the points they have in FIFA 21 will carry over to the new game.

But is it possible? This is a question many people have asked and we are excited to reveal the answer to you!

Can you transfer points to FIFA 22 from FIFA 21?

There are two forms of currency in the FIFA series, FUT 22 Coins and points, the latter being different from the former in that they can only be collected with real payments.

Thanks to FIFAUTeam, it turned out that points earned from FIFA 21 can be transferred to FIFA 22 until December 31, 2021.

However, this is only possible with points, not coins. Therefore, we recommend that you spend all your coins in FIFA 21 before getting into FIFA 22.

This is great news for players and means the people involved will not lose any money as they hope some players will join the game in packs.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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