Fallout 76 players will be able to build bigger

Jul-02-2019 PST Category: Fallout 76

Fallout 76 players will be able to build bigger and better camps when the next update releases after some changes are made that reduces the budget space certain items take up.

Officially stylized as C.A.M.P. within Fallout 76 Fallout 76 Items these small settlements serve as players’ bases of operation with defenses and resources built into them. They can also be customized with decorations and other items, though players have to balance between function and fashion due to size limitations.

That need to balance will still be there after the next update releases, but players will have a bit more room to work with. The update is expected to reduce the amount of budget space certain items require, Bethesda said in its latest Inside the Vault update, but those affected items will now have a maximum amount that can be place in a camp. This means your lights may not take up as much budget space after the update, but you can only put up so many of them.

“The amount of budget space that some buildable objects consume, such as Turrets and Lights, has been reduced, but they now also have a maximum amount that can be placed in your C.A.M.P. or Workshop,” Bethesda said. “The build menu recipes for these objects will show you how many are already present in your C.A.M.P., including the ones you have stored, and the total amount of each you can place.”

Bethesda continued to say this change wasn’t necessarily a direct increase to the budget sizes of camps, but with the budget size of certain items lowered, it’ll give players more flexibility and pave the way for future changes.

“There are several important aspects of C.A.M.P. and Workshop budgets we must keep in mind when making adjustments, including how objects are used by players, overall structure balance, and even game performance,” Bethesda continued. “While the above changes aren’t a direct increase to budget size, they should give you more overall budget space to build lots of cool stuff, while also allowing us the flexibility to further refine and improve balance and performance.”

Cyberpunk 2077 is officially less than 10 months away, and while that isn't the most exciting thing in the world without context, it's important to remember that it has been seven years since the game was announced. That said, with fans getting excited about what's to come, many of them have been channeling that hype into creativity. More specifically, plenty of people have been jumping into the art of cosplay, especially after CD Projekt Red announced their official cosplay contest, which you can read more about right here. That said, one cosplayer has used their talents to pull the Trauma Team directly out of Night City.

Taking to the game's subreddit, user "shadinski" shared their cosplay with fellow Cyberpunk fans. With only a couple of shots to go off of from the trailers, shadinski was able to recreate an incredible cosplay that looks like it belongs in Night City, tending to the citizens fallout 76 legendary weapons for sale With that sort of detail put into the cosplay after having such little reference, it will be interesting to see what this fan can come up with after CDPR releases the cosplay guides.

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