My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
Read ThisAnyone familiar with online gaming knows that Eve Online (EO) has been the premiere space themed MMORPG since its launch in 2003. CCP has been able to adapt to an ever changing gamespace to keep EO relevant and even non-MMO players have heard of the “spreadsheets in space” or epic space battles involving thousands of players that Eve Online has brought us. Now, with the release of Eve Echoes, CCP and Netease have created a brand new version of its space MMO tailored specifically for mobile devices. More than just a port of the PC version, Eve Echoes is a standalone product set in the same giant universe of Eve Online of over 8000 solar systems and 100+ types of ships. With the slate wiped clean at launch, it is a chance for seasoned players and newcomers alike to make their way into New Eden.
I was given the chance to transfer my consciousness into a clone a couple of days prior to launch and got to spend several hours checking out what Eve Echoes has to offer. I spent most of that time getting used to my new skin Although I didn’t get a chance to take over the galaxy (I probably never will) I was able to get an idea of what players will experience as they begin their new life in Eve Echoes.
Character Creation
You get to see your character a total of one time in Eve Echoes, so it isn’t surprising that character creation is fairly limited. There are four factions available to choose from with each one broken down into four bloodlines. Each faction comes with a background story three or four sentences in length. More importantly your faction choice determines your starting ship. Each faction is broken down into three Bloodlines but these do nothing more than add some background flavor and character appearance choices.
You will also configure the CreoDron, your Intelligent Assistant. There are a total of six voices to choose from and seeing as how you will hear this voice throughout the tutorials make sure to pick one you like. Oh, and don’t forget to name your character and CreoDron.
Simplifying Things For The Masses
So much of what Eve Online has to offer has translated well to the mobile world. In fact, if I had never heard of Eve Online and came across Echoes in the app store it would be easy to think the game was just another mobile game among the masses. To the uninitiated, Eve Echoes could even be mistaken for an idle clicker type game – engage auto-pilot to your destination, Easy Lock your targets, turn on your weapons, and collect your loot. Mining has been simplified to facilitate a daily gathering ritual, and the timed skill progression of Eve will easily cater to a player who only visits the game two or three times a week.
Closing Thoughts
Even with a couple of days head start I have barely scratched the surface of what Eve Echoes has to offer, but I have seen enough similarities between Echoes and its older sibling to know that CCP didn’t throw away their recipe for success they found in Eve Online.
The biggest question I have right now is what type of player Eve Echoes is going to attract and retain? Prior to launch there were already over five million players registered so it obviously isn’t just current Eve Online players chomping at the bit to play. With the fresh launch, all players were at an even footing (at least for a few hours) so I can see how retired or disenfranchised players could be flooding in to check out Echoes. Then there is the allure of a polished mobile title to bring in the casual mobile player.These player groups, at their core, do not mix well. Regardless of the fresh start, dedicated players will outpace us casuals, but at least for a little while we should all be able to coexist in High Sec.
This is the end of this article. If you want to have a good gaming experience, you can buy Eve Echo isk. Our website is selling at a cheap price.
My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.
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