Bethesda is highlighting several tweaks coming to Fallout 76

Aug-10-2019 PST Category: Fallout 76

Bethesda is highlighting several tweaks coming to Fallout 76 Patch 12 in a new post.

You’ll be able to put your gear on display Fallout 76 Items with the latest patch adding several cases, stands, and racks. You’ll be able to use these display cases to show off your items like your favorite guns, melee weapons, magazines, bobbleheads, junk, etc.

Changes are also being made to the Charleston Capitol Courthouse,“Primarily, we’ve reworked the Courthouse’s layout and design so that it better reflects the story you uncover as you play through the Key to the Past questline. We’ve also added a few new notes, so you have a little more lore to learn about while you’re there.

Additionally, we’ve split the main Capitol Building and its Courthouse wing into two different interior cells to better support the Key to the Past questline. These locations were previously part of the same interior cell and this change allowed us to adjust the difficulty of enemy spawns in both locations. The Courthouse level range now matches the Top of the World, and the Capitol Building matches The Mire region.”

Nuclear Winter is also receiving some balancing. It looks like some items and weapons (unspecified at the moment) will receive buffs, while others will receive nerfs. Specifically, Radaway’s effectiveness is getting a boost.

Patch 11 might have been an unmitigated disaster for Bethesda’s Fallout 76 but patch 12 is out later this month. In a new blog post, the developer talked about some of the major changes and improvements that will be coming (ideally without breaking the entire game this time). For instance, Charleston Capitol Courthouse is going to be completely revamped.

The layout and design will be changing, with the courthouse and main building separated into two distinct areas. Enemy difficulty will also see some adjustments. Ideally, this will make the Key to the Past better but the changes will have to be tried out first.

Players will also be getting display cases for their weapons and bobble-heads, showcasing their gains at their C.A.M.P. A total of 30 display cases can be used with a limited number of items placed inside fallout 76 buy legendary weapons As for Nuclear Winter, the battle royale mode, patch 12 will balance some of the more ridiculous weapons and improve Radaway. There will also be the Staircase Quick Kit for moving up inclines faster.

Next week will offer more information on the Vault 94 raid so stay tuned. Fallout 76 is currently available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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