​Bank placeholders for 2019

Dec-30-2018 PST Category: runescape

Disappointed to see no acknowledgment of these in the year advanced video.

+Teased for years

+One of the a lot of requested features

+Banking is huge allotment of the game

+Massive uproar if it was shelfed

I saw the column about the problems arising with the accumulation bulk of account Ids, accepting no bold cipher knowledge, actuality is my advancement on how to affected that - Collapse account Ids into one capital one, so instead of accepting 10 altered Ids for altered tiered logs, accept one capital account Id that branches into others, archetype Account Id 5510 (logs), is aswell account Id 5510-A (logs), account Id 5510-B (oak logs).

From a abode holder angle it would be one account menu, that on appropriate bang branches to others. Archetype appropriate bang Logs will annex too, Withdraw Logs (mouse over this would annex to quantities) Withdraw Maple logs, etc. Do this with the 100s of corrective tokens in game, runes, ores, etc.

Obviously this advancement was fabricated with no bold cipher knowledge.

They've said that they're still prototyping it, so for them to affiance annihilation at this date would acceptable advance to added backfire if it was clumsy to be done afterwards added engine plan they cannot abode time to at this time.

Obviously that's not an ideal answer, but because their clue record, and the time of the year it is, I am not afraid that annihilation was said about it. No absolute development plan started on it yet and it's acceptable a lot of devs accept been out of the appointment for at atomic a week, maybe two?

Just because there was an clamor does not automatically beggarly that the development will become bulk 1 focus, because there are a bulk of added projects to be focused on, and adverse to accepted belief, not anybody cares about the coffer update. This Reddit is like the baby articulate boyhood that consistently cries if getting goes wrong, and downvotes annihilation that doesn't accede with their mindset. That's not to say they're amiss to accuse if they do, but man does it get annoying.


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