​Any gunslinger thronespire-enjoyers around

Aug-18-2022 PST Category: Lost Ark

Short story, I've once again given myself a very unpleasant reality check after I finally got to gaining access to the thronespire... After having cleared the levels 1 and 10, I thought "Yeah I'm not so bad, I could do this" and then tried 22 the next time.

What do you do you At item level 1430 , I am unable to even clean up the trash on time to even get to getting to the boss at last.

Have tried a few different ways to use battle items (dark weapons and stuff) but it didn't make much of difference (meaning that I had the trash swept away and only had about 10 seconds to go to fight the boss).

There's a nebulous phrase in germany "Wenn the Bauer isn't able to swim, it's always Badehose to blame" (roughly translate in the sense of "If the farmer doesn't swim, his swimming shorts are the culprits" thus... I think it's expensive to put it down to students... however, at the at the same time, I didn't locate a TS clear footage from the Gunslinger perspective and I'm forced to believe that no one else than me experienced issues clearing the issue on GS (so it's not a need to make videos) or that no one has been able to clear it with a reasonable-geared GS.

Dunno. I generally think that these issues are something that is a "me" problem, and I was thinking:

Do you have any suggestions for meabout what I could do to get a grip on this thronespire saga?

I managed to clear floor 22 with 1432.5 itemlevel having about 2 minutes to spare after about an hour of practice and 2-3 failed attempts - standard budget peacemaker build, running hit master/adrenaline/raid captain/keen blunt, lv5-7 gems and okay tripods (mix of +2 to +4) + demon beast set. Based on my failures and successes, clear, here are some tips to give a try.

You're looking to move fast but you're not trying to eliminate all mobs that are trash whenever you can Move or dashing past them and use a shotgun or rifle AoE to eliminate them more quickly Keep clearing and moving towards the gate until notice miniboss appearing. Concentrate on miniboss alone killing it will remove all mobs, and also opens the gate, allowing you to save a few seconds for each gate (you could probably save one or two minutes by doing this). One of the most difficult things to master playing Thronespire is learning not to be distracted by garbage mobs

Do what you need to do. It's not a cube and you don't need to take out all your trash.

Testing both chaos and raiding build, I went with raiding - map is narrow enough to not require 360 AoE from Sharpshooter/Equilibrium, and extra stats/tripods to kill final boss help a ton, while also making minibosses a bit faster. For items for battle: I chose blue HP potions atropine and dark grenades, and empty slot (or I'm not certain what else I have) Blue potions aren't expensive and you can use your HP to boost your resource count in the event that it makes getting to your final boss easier.

Overall, Try it a few times and see the things you can avoid while getting rid of Thronespire You don't need to get rid of all mobs; you don't need to clear them prior to moving on and you don't need to deal with garbage when the final boss is the all that matters. There are no limits to your attempts to try it, so start without consumables, buy cheap Lost Ark Gold at and then try to improve it piece by piece begin by clearing gate 1 quicker and then work on making it to the boss quicker, and finally in the end, focus on clearing the final boss before the it's time to go.

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