Animal Crossing: details you may have missed

Sep-11-2020 PST Category: Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is probably one of the best entertainment titles to come out in a long time. The game sold over 22.5 million copies in just 4 months after its release, which is not surprising given the relaxing effect. Timely and regular updates only helped Nintendo maintain the player base.

The pandemic obviously played a big part in its success. Since most people around the world are unable to leave their homes very often, Animal Crossing has proved to be the perfect place to get away. From planting trees to collecting Animal Crossing Items DIY recipes to building and crafting materials, it offers a wide variety of activities that you can perform in the game.

With tons of unique activities, you may be missing out on a few features. In this article, we will discuss some of the features that will enhance your gaming experience and make your tasks easier.

Search for keywords

Custom design is an integral part of the game and will help you stand out. It helps to put together the chosen style. You can customize the furniture and clothes in your home to make it stand out from your friends. As you can imagine, it is becoming more and more popular with gamers.

Unfortunately, this can be a tedious task. Customized designs are delivered with specific codes required for their use. While there aren't a lot of options to choose from, it can be a difficult task to focus on the project code you like.

Fortunately, this has changed, and the next time you visit a kiosk at Able Sisters, you may actually search for a keyword that matches the type of design you want. This way, you will get a list of projects that match the keyword.

Know who visited your island

Animal Crossing allows you to visit other islands while you sleep. You can wander around and get a glimpse of what it looks like. But do you know how to find out who has visited your island in dreams?

All you need to do is visit the Nintendo Switch Online app on your smartphone. You see several options here. Click on "Dreams" to see who visited your island and when it was last updated. This is quite an interesting feature.

How to clean up

There is enough space in the house to store things. However, you may come across items you want or need, but not right away. In that case, instead of keeping them, you can save them for later.

You can put these items in a recycling box until you need them. All you have to do is put them on the table. You need to request permission after uploading. Please visit Island Designer to enable this feature. All items are temporarily transported to the recycling bin. They are available for use when you need them.

Animal Crossing has many useful tricks that make the game very much alive. Some are clear while others take time to catch them. With each update, Animal Crossing brings something new and never surprises.

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My name is Selfless. I am runing a company which focus on online game products and services.

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