Player killing in OSRS depends on the Combat Level of the player characters OSRS Gold

Nov-21-2019 PST Category: runescape

Player killing in OSRS depends on the Combat Level of the player characters OSRS Gold There’s also what kind of PvP activity you’re doing. Sometimes mechanics differ between activities. What you do have to take note of is your combat level, which affects your performance in any PvP activity.

Combat levels have a curious characteristic. The final formula calls for the highest value between Melee, Ranged, or Magic. If you’ve raised one of these to be the highest, you can raise the other attributes without influencing your final value! That means you’ll have more combat potential than what is suggested by looking at only your level.

Now, you’ll do most of your casual PvP in the Wilderness. There are a few things you need to know when in the wilderness.

You don’t want to die in the wilderness. You’ll lose all but three of your most valuable items, or all of it when you’re skulled. ‘Skull’ is a status effect gained when you attack someone unprovoked. Some players (or groups) have ways to trick others into getting it. Be careful!

The wilderness has levels, which dictate which players you can attack. For example, at wilderness level 5, you can attack players at a combat level from five below to five above your own. At level 20, that means anyone with a level that is in the 15-25 range is free game for you. You’ll see wilderness levels in a small overlay on your screen.

Recommended Builds

Many players recommend the Granite Maul build, with about 50 attack, 75 strength, and 75 ranged. Some variations (depending on player preference) have higher defense, though pures are more common. It’s a rather cheap build that will serve well in your PvP forays.

One-Defense Pure or the Defense Pures are also common builds. These are the builds that have high potential even at a low level. They are not to be underestimated. Many versions exist, so pick the one you want to play.

As for free to play builds, a Range/2-hander is a likely choice cheap OSRS gold It may be a little expensive to keep up, as some arrows are expensive. However, it doesn’t really matter if you’re enjoying the game.

Have fun with OSRS PvP!

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